Wednesday, August 13, 2008


What is it with the quality of friends you see in commercials? I have here yet another example of something that had my friends done it, would have made me re-examine the friendship.

I actually know someone with hair that length. I'm pretty sure if anyone had ever tied it to the counter of a greasy spoon in the middle of a desert, they'd be minus a finger or 10.

We'll skip over the fact that no matter how good your shampoo and conditioner are, you cannot break off chunks of a countertop by pulling it with your hair unless it's made of paper mache. And move right on to why, for the love of the deity of your choice, the owner of the defaced property just stood there. No demanding the money for repairs, no calling the cops, no yelling various gibberish due to uncontrolled anger at the wanton destruction.

Someone's mom never made them return that candy bar to the store when they were 6. It shows.

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