Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In the beginning...

As my other half will tell you, sometimes commercials and ads drive me crazy. So, I decided what better way to vent my frustrations than in a blog?

I aim to highlight the ridiculous, the inconsistant, and the contradictory messages we see in the ads that play during our favorite shows.

On that note, I am opening with the one that has bothered me since the first time I heard it. It is a Wal Mart ad; the kind that shows just how warm and fuzzy a company they are by parading one of the charities they support. I couldn't find a copy of the commercial online, but that's ok because it really was the song choice that had me foaming at the mouth. And that I did find:

Listen to the opening lines:
No darling, I can't take your thirst away but I can show you to the sea.

These are the lines that play during the commercial. The commercial that shows what a caring, compassionate company they are. And they are sadistically leading thirsty people to a source of water that cannot be swallowed due to it's salt content!!

Yes, I know. I'm picky. I'm pedantic.

I hope you enjoy it.

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